
Monday 14 September 2015


Lt me get this out in the open, I am a gadget addict! Its amazing the ammount of electronic gadgets that we use on a daily basis espescially when you look back only a few years. I think the same can be said about my fishing too. it started many years ago with bite alarms, the first ones I made myself until finally I could afford some Optonics. I still have my compacts, plus an extra couple, and I remember thinking how amazing they were. I still think theyre brilliant and if they had a remote wireless sounder box I'd still be using them! I may have started the story in the wrong place, perhaps my first fishing gadget was a 35mm camera, esential once my attention turned to carp. Now, of course, the camera is a digital point and shoot Olympus. it wasnt until recently that I got a bank stick adaptor so I could my shots while I fish alone. it was a year or 2 ago that an acquaintance showed me a remote fob for his SLR which enables more than 1 shot at a time to be taken. Apart from my phone I suppose the final piece of kit I cary is a battery pack to recharge my phone. Given that over 30 years ago I started with a 5foot rod and acient reel attached to a float and a worm on the hook I think I'd have been blown away not only by the vast array of gear I now carry but also by the perceived need to carry it.

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